Natallia Paliashuk


Natallia Paliashuk, born in 1988, embarked on her artistic journey at an early age. At 14, she attended art school, mastering sculpture, painting, and drawing. She studied in the Netherlands at HKU Utrecht, the Rietveld Academy, and the Breitner Academy, where she embraced modern approaches to art. Natallia is now based in Amsterdam, where she lives and works.

Throughout her studies, especially at the Breitner Academy, Natallia participated in group student exhibitions, not only in Amsterdam but also in Berlin, showcasing her evolving artistry.

In her creations, Natallia explores her identity and place in the world through color and patterns. Her work stitches together patterns from different eras, allowing viewers to traverse temporal spaces. She finds her artistic voice in the interplay of color and the myriad patterns drawn from Eastern and European cultures, narrating life's stories.

Natallia's art is characterized by strong, contrasting colors that evoke deep emotions of sensuality and expressive depth. Inspired by the boundless patterns found in social media archives, her themes are rooted in the past but resonate with contemporary relevance. Her primary medium, acrylics, allows her to fluidly blend abstract and figurative elements, reflecting her pursuit of innovation in expression.

Natallia's artistic process is a journey of exploration and discovery, with each piece being a voyage through textures, colors, and forms. She currently lives and works in Amsterdam.

Natallia's professional journey is marked by her role as an art teacher in the Netherlands and an exhibition history in Europe.